
The human body is made up of trillions of cells that divide, grow, and die in a predictable pattern. The DNA machinery within the cell strictly regulates and controls this process. The body's cells divide fast during childhood; but, once adults reach maturity, cells only proliferate to replace worn-out and dying cells or to repair wounded cells.

When these cells grow in an aberrant manner that is not coordinated with the surrounding tissue, it is referred to as neoplasia. Because they do not die when they should and divide more quickly, these rogue cells, also known as neoplastic cells, cannot be managed in the same way that regular cells can.

As the excessive development continues, a lump or tumour forms in the body that serves no use or function. A neoplasm is a benign, pre-cancerous, or cancerous growth that is non-cancerous (benign), pre-cancerous (pre-malignant), or cancerous (malignant)

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